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Easy Weight Loss

Make loosing weight your number 1 new years resolution - and keep it at any time of year!

Monday 28 September 2009

Resting Metabolic Rate - It really affects your weight loss program!

Having a tough time jumping up just to let those jeans fit your thighs? Before a housemate complains about the mild earthquakes you create, think of doing your part of making an effort to commence a better and healthier life which does wonders for your self esteem and self confidence.

What about a diet? It does not mean that you will starve to death but you just have to make a concerted effort to lose weight.

Weight loss is as confusing as buying goods in a busy marketplace. Too crowded with methods that come with too many promises which come with the best advertisements and testimonials.

But, did you know that you really have your weight under your own control?

Did you know that it is all about knowing your metabolism and calculating your RMR or Resting Metabolic Rate?

RMR? Well,what is RMR?

RMR specifies the rate at which calories are used by your body at times of rest,just to keep your body ticking over,(for example breathing, heart rate and lungs)and is generally measured in a post-digestive phase after, say, 12 hours of fasting.

There are factors that affect your RMR. One of these is age. As you become older, your muscles deteriorate with an increase in fat, and it leads to lower RMR. As a result, aging is accompanied with gaining of weight.

Dieting or any form of doing exercise is not at all an assurance that you will effectively lose weight. These may well have only short-term effects, so what about the long-term ones?

It is a fact that the latter is more important than the former. Weight loss may mean losing your muscles instead of losing your fats. Muscles are essential for metabolism, so you may just not get the results you set out to achieve.

Choosing a more effective exercise is what really matters. The aim is to reduce fat and increase muscle - muscle building exercises are the ones which count - ever considered weight lifting? Running and cycling will certainly help.

As you take steps in increasing your RMR, you are pushing your self on your way to a lighter weight and healthier life as a whole.

Go check your RMR today,simple calculators can be found on a Google search, - you may be surprised by the results!

Thursday 24 September 2009

7 good reasons to eat these foods

Weight Loss is not always about exercise and visits to the gym.

Sometimes its as simple as eating the right foods, and you can see the pounds dropping off!

You might want to try these foods which are well known to help with instant weight loss.

1. High volume high fiber vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, marrows and squashes.

2. Low calorie high fiber berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries - lovely!

3. White fish - cod haddock - high in protein, low in calories (depending on cooking sensibly - no sauces!)

4. Hungry? Want to snack? Apples are best. High fibre low calorie nutritious fruit.

5. High protein and low carb breads - the more specialist varieties (barley bread for one) - leave you feeling satisfied for longer - and again are high in fiber.

6. Chickpeas. Good fiber content nuritious and tasty!

7. Really anything high fiber - breakfast cereals, salads - plenty of raw vegetables are really good for you.

Make up your own menus - you won't be bored eating the same stuff day after day, and you should soon notice some positive results. You can probably find a lot more foods to experiment with keep your diet really varied.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Hate Exercising? Some Workout Tips for You

If you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t consider exercising your favorite pastime. In fact, some people downright hate exercising. However, exercising is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, and without it you definitely will not be able to lose weight. There are certain tips, however, for learning to love exercising, even if you truly hate it.

Tip No1.

Try finding some exercises that you like to do.

This is obvious really! If you absolutely hate doing one kind of exercise, then look for another to take its place.

You don’t have to do crunches to strengthen your core muscles.
You don’t have to do lunges to work out your lower body.
You don’t even have to run—you can replace it with cycling or swimming.

Find the exercise you like to do and your workout will seem more enjoyable right away.

Tip No2

Find other activities you like to do and make them work for your body.

If you like working on your garden, try doing some exercising surrounding raking or mow your yard by hand.

If you enjoy winter weather, you can try ice skating or skiing with friends.

In the summer take long walks when the weathers fine. Walk in the countryside -enjoy your surroundings - it helps motivate you.

No matter what you like to do, you can find ways to get some exercise.

Thanks to the introduction of the Wii and game like Dance Dance Revolution, you can even combine video games and exercise.

Tip No 3

Find a training partner.

When you work out together, you can help one another stay motivated, even if you don’t absolutely love exercising. With a partner, you can have fun as well, trying things like tennis or challenging one another to meet certain goals. Trainers can also provide this for you, as well as show you new and fun exercises to help you avoid getting bored or feeling overwhelmed at the gym.

Tip No 4

Try taking some classes. Exercising classes are a great way to meet new people, make new friends, learn new exercises, stay motivated, and above all, have fun.
Most gyms offer low-cost or free exercise classes with membership or you can check out options at your local community center.

Staying motivated if you hate exercising can be hard, but set goals and don’t quit. You need to exercise as well as diet if you really want to lose weight. Make exercise fun and it won’t seem like such a chore.

Thursday 13 August 2009

The Happy Exerciser

Some months ago I had an article published by Ezine Articles about high blood pressure.

I wrote this as I know there is a direct correlation between excess weight and the problems associated with high blood pressure. It follows, therefore, that reducing weight down to a more normal level will over time help reduce blood pressure (assuming there is no other underlying cause).

Well, it is well known that exercise boosts feel good hormones and improves your mood - a double benefit - and keeps the feel good factor and better temper etc for a further 12 hours!

Obviously, to keep the benefits ongoing you will need to exercise daily, bearing in mind( as we have discussed before) that you need to build up the amount of exercise slowly over a period of time, don't over-exert yourself, and be well aware of what your body is capable of.

I am sure, that you will find if done sensibly and within your capabilities, you will gain the double benefit of weight reduction and mood enhancement.

Cant be bad,indeed these are two very positive motivators, and must go a long way to improving your quality of life.

Why not take up dancing- perhaps join a club-its a highly recommended exercise and very enjoyable and sociable as well. If not, walk, cycle, jog, play games with your kids - there's loads of things you can do and get a really positive double benefit.

Go ahead - you have nothing to lose-except, perhaps, some weight!

Friday 31 July 2009

Weight Loss tips for Kids

There are many reasons why a child could have problems with weight.

Hre are a few pointers worth considering, and possibly taking action on.

1.Weight gain or weight loss - is it caused by a medical problem?

Whether over weight or under weight,it is possible that your child will have a medical problem causing the weight gain or loss.

Remember that low weight can be as dangerous and unhealthy as high weight. Medical problems that cause this can usually be controlled by treatment by a professional, but some conditions are very dangerous if to go untreated. Always have your child see a doctor for regular checkups and do not hesitate to call if you are concerned about a specific weight problem.

2.Is your child eating properly?

If your child is not getting the appropriate nutrients, he or she may also have problems with weight. It is very important that your child eats the same nutritious foods enjoyed by adults, only in smaller portions. If your child eats too much junk food and does not enough good foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products, being overweight may be a problem.

You will need to closely monitor what your child is actually eating.This is far easier said than done, as children can be very picky eaters, and younger children will not understand that eating enough healthy foods is important. This can cause your child to be underweight or may stunt growth. You will need to made the food more attractive and meal times more of a "fun" occasion.

3. Deal sensitively with weight gain

If your child is overweight, a weight loss program is not only available, but it is crucial. Your child’s doctor and a nutritionist can help with deciding a healthy plan for losing weight for your child. This can be a very sensitive issue for many children, since being overweight can lead to teasing and other problems at school. Therefore, approach your child with care and understanding.

4. Get the whole family to join in and work together

It is a good idea to promote weight loss for your entire family if a child has a weight problem.

Have your family join a gym together or purchase home exercise equipment.Learn how to cook healthy yet tasty meals and keep junk food out of the house, not only for your overweight child, but also for the entire family.

This will ensure that your whole family maintains a healthy weight and promotes weight loss habits.

Encourage your child, praise every little step of progress, maybe think of a small reward/incentive program to motivate your child to work at it!

You will get there in the end -its not easy -but very rewarding for you as a parent also!

Thursday 30 July 2009

4 Great Ways to Fail at Weight Loss

Weight loss is hard! Without a little patience and knowledge about nutrition and exercise,its very easy to see that your best weight loss plan may crumble and fail.

Learning the top reasons why weight loss plans fail is important so that you do not make these mistakes in your own life.

Rule No 1

Many weight loss plans fail because people try to follow too strict a diet.

When you cut back your calories, you will burn more than you eat, so you’ll lose weight, right? If you do this gradually, then yes, it works like a charm. However, if you suddenly cut too many, you won’t lose any weight at all because you metabolism will slow down.

You also put your health in danger by not getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients you need every single day in order to stay healthy.

Do not be too pedantic by following a new diet to extremes. Listen to what your body is telling you - take it steady to start with, and build up over the course of a week or so. You will feel better for it.

Rule No 2

Don't try to go at weight loss alone

Everything you do regarding weight loss, from dieting to exercising, will be a hundred times easier if you have a partner.It is natural for each of you to encourage and push each other not to quit.

Working with a support system on a large scale is also important. Your friends and family should know that you are attempting to lose weight so that they can help you on the process and not tempt you by doing things like baking you cookies or taking up your gym time. Also, remember that professionals, like doctors and trainers, should come into the weight loss plan to help you shed the pounds.

Rule No 3

Setting unrealistic goals is another good way to fail at a weight loss plan.

When you set goals that you can’t easily reach, you push yourself to move forward and will feel successful even if you fall short.

However, when you set impossible goals, you will find that you are easily frustrated. Don’t weigh in every day, don’t completely cut out all of the foods you eat on a regular basis, and don’t exercise too much right away.

Gradually build up to reach the goals you really want for your life,and remember - small steps with attainable targets will boost your confidence and belief in yourself much more than large steps where the chance of failure is much greater.

Rule No 4

Know yourself.Its the most important rule and often over-looked.

Weight loss plans fail when you attempt to be something you are not. Maybe you have wide hips—a weight loss plan won’t completely change that, for example.

You have to be happy with yourself on the inside before you change things on the outside in order to succeed at losing weight.

Concentrate on this before attempting anything, and a positive mindset will go further than you realise in helping you achieve your goal.

Monday 4 May 2009

Weight loss - a couple of ideas where to start.

Did you hear about the US airline that is bringing in a new policy to charge obese travellers more to fly?

Well, it seems to me that this is yet another ploy to treat overweight passengers as second class citizens. Apparently, if the said passenger cannot fit into their alloted seat, then they will have to purchase an additional seat and pay for TWO seats so they can fly. If there is no room on the plane they wish to fly on to provide 2 adjacent seats then they will be bumped off the flight and have to rebook - no doubt at an additional expense over and above the cost of the second seat- - and to heck with the inconvenience and maybe embarrassment!

Well, could this be the motivator and trigger to do something positive about being overweight? I would like to think so.

Why not start with counting calories?

Its easy and straightforward and should bring some prompt and positive benefit.Couple it with some easy exercise.

Go about it this way.

Think of calories as the fuel of the body, providing energy to enable us to move and live our life and do the things we want.Women need fewer calories than men as proportionally they have more fat than energy burning muscles.Try to balance what you expend on energy with your food intake - exercise more to build muscle at the same time burning energy.

Don't skip meals - binge eating and crash dieting won't help. Eat a balanced meal - breakfast is very important - have an idea of total number of calories you eat in an average meal. Don't snack -it piles on the calories!

If you over indulge take exercise.

A 30 minute session in the swimming pool works wonders.

Half an hours backstroke burns 275 calories
front crawl 281
breaststroke 320
butterfly 387
even treading water burns 140!

If you can't face that - 30minutes walking - at a gentle and not a fast pace 2/3 times a week will be a very effective substitute.

Don't forget - consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise regime if you're not used to taking any - start in a small way and gradually build up.

Don't like the idea of any of this? Tried it before and got nowhere? You need encouragement. You need to join in with thousands of other like minded people - you need to join a weight loss forum. These on-line communities have hundreds of different ideas on how to help, providing iner-action with other members, new ideas, diets, but above all encouragement.

Just google "weight loss forum" - you never know, it might be the answer you've been waiting for.

Monday 6 April 2009

Weight Loss -When You Need it and When You Don't

Weight loss is a tricky subject, especially in the US and Europe, where so many young adolesences, (both girls and boys) are turning to anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders.

While weight loss can be a very good and necessary thing, it can also turn into something that affects millions of people and can cause serious illness and even death. Knowing when you need to lose weight and when you do not is very important. You need to keep your mental attitude towards your weight in perspective and in relation to your whole life in order to combat these eating disorders that are sweeping across the United States and many other countries.

You can know that losing weight is often a very personal option. However, if you are more than 20 pounds overweight, losing the pounds is important for your health. Look at the recommended weight for someone of your size as a start. However, because everyone’s bodies are different, because of fat and muscle ratio to body weight, you should really see your doctor if you feel like you need to lose weight. A doctor can confirm this or put your mind to rest by telling you that your weight is normal. This is the best way to make sure that you are keeping healthy.

There are also times, however, when you definitely do not need to lose weight. First, if you aren’t as thin as your favorite actor or model, that doesn’t mean you need to lose weight. Often, models and actresses are airbrushed in photos to look more toned and they have personal trainers that work with them for hours every day in order to help them stay in shape. If your body weight is normal, you do not need to lose weight, even if you are a pants size bigger than your ideal celebrity.

Your also don’t need to lose weight just because you gain it. People gain weight for a number of reasons, and this is especially common during puberty and for the few years after. If you gain weight check out the rest of your body—are you going through a growth spurt in height as well? Also, don’t worry about gaining weight when you are lifting at the gym. As you tone your muscles, you will look better, but because muscles are heavier than fat, you may actually gain weight.

Lastly, you don’t need to lose weight simply because someone else makes a rude comment about your looks.Some people can be cruel, but everyone has a different body make up. If you are happy with your weight and it is within the normal range for someone of your age and height, than chances are that the rude comment is stemming from other issues, not because you actually do need to lose weight. Be happy with yourself and eat a healthy diet and you shouldn’t need to worry about losing weight.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Exercise Routine to help Easy Weight Loss

Here are a few suggestions for some exercises you can do at home.

The best part about exercising at home is that you can do these exercises even while you watch television. No need to give up your favorite programs to get active, just get on the floor and try this workout:

Jumping Jacks - 1 minute

Squats – 15 to 20 times

Push-Ups – As many as you can ( start off low and build up - say 20 to 30 to 40 -maybe

Jog in on the spot making your foot hit your butt – 1 minute

Superman – lay flat on the floor on stomach with hands stretched out to the side. Lift legs and chest off the floor and hold for 30 seconds – 15 to 20 times

High Knees – jog on the spot lifting your knees as high as you can – 1 minute

Lunges – feet flat on the floor, step forward with alternating feet – 15 to 20 times

Torso Rotation/Twists – 20 times each direction

Side Bends/Reaches – 20 times each direction

Wall Sit – Squat against a wall with your back flat on the wall – sit as long as you can hold it

Start off doing on exercise per day, when you're ready increase to 2 and so on until
you're doing them all! Partner with someone and do them together. Benefit and encouragement for both!

And that’s it! Do this every day ( no excuses!) and feel the benefits.

Monday 16 February 2009

The Right Mind Set - Vital for Easy Weight Loss

Believe it or not, there is a psychological factor that comes into play when you’re trying to lose weight. We like to compare it to the “rah rah” factor that you sometimes need to succeed in sports.

Look at your weight loss as your own personal sporting event. Just as you need to know the rules of the game as well as the basics of performing that game in sports, you also need the right information in your diet to make it effective.

When you have all the tools you need, you can become an excellent performer in almost anything you try in life. One of these tools is the right frame of mind. The right frame of mind will give you motivation, commitment, and the skills you need to overcome the obstacles that you might face along with temptations and distractions.

Think this sounds a little too “new age” for you? Think again! When you have the right psychology during your weight loss journey, you will make your weight loss fun, easier, more exciting, and be able to develop changes towards a healthier lifestyle that will stay with you forever.

Your mindset controls your behavior, actions, and thoughts. As people grow, they develop habits and associations that govern their life. Most of these habits are controlled by our sub-conscious and we are generally unaware of them. However, your subconscious could also sabotage your efforts – also while you unaware of them. This can be detrimental to your weight loss attempts.

The right mindset entails using various techniques and strategies to control your behavior by monitoring your thoughts and actions. When you obtain this mindset, you will be better equipped to replace the old habits and associations that formed your thinking in the first place with new and more positive habits that will enable you to lost weight and be happier while you do so!

Developing the correct mindset doesn’t occur overnight. It take a little bit of effort, but in the end, it is well worth the time you’ll spend doing so. You will have to regularly monitor your progress and behavior. Sometimes it will be easy – at other times, it won’t. The good news is that there are some easy ways to begin to put yourself into the right mindset.

Write your goals down – tell yourself what weight you want to get to. While you’re at it, write down any other personal goals you might have as far as your life in general. Since you’re undertaking something as huge as losing your extra weight, you may as well also focus your efforts on improving other aspects of your life while you have the motivation and drive.

Be specific about what those goals are. When you generalize your goals, you are trivializing them. Your goals ARE IMPORTANT. Make them important!

Assign yourself a deadline. You want to lose weight. You want to do it by Christmas, or your wedding, or the next class reunion. When you assign a deadline, you give yourself a goal to work for, and like we said, your goals ARE IMPORTANT!

Make those goals measurable and achievable. Don’t think TOO big or try to undertake more than what you are capable of. If you need to lose 100 pounds, don’t expect to do it in a few weeks. Give yourself enough time to do so in a healthy manner. You could also try to break the goals down into easier increments. Tell yourself that you will lose 10 pounds over the next month. Then tell yourself the same thing the next month. Eventually, you’ll reach that goal and feel the satisfaction of being lighter than you were before.

Focus on those goals everyday. Post them on your refrigerator. Write them in your date book. Put a reminder on the visor of your car. When you focus on your goals, you will keep them in mind all the time and when they are first and foremost in your mind, you will be well on the way toward achieving them.

Be committed to those goals – at all costs. There’s a reason why you want to achieve those goals. When you are committed, those goals become the focus of your mind and they will be much easier to realize.

The battle with our metabolism as we age can’t be denied. Our metabolism, which transforms our food into energy, slows down with each passing year. If we don’t adjust our eating habits and our exercise to compensate, we slowly add additional pounds. We may feel betrayed, but the reality is we’re going to have to change some habits in order to maintain our weight.
If you take things one step at a time, there are basic steps that can be adopted. Stop telling yourself, “I just can’t do it.” You can coax yourself into a new habit of healthy eating.

Developing a psychology towards weight loss will help you achieve you goals and realize success. Aim high, push yourself to become the type of person you want to be and live the life that you want and deserve. We are not given the power of dreams without the power and ability to achieve those dreams. It’s time to start – RIGHT NOW!

Friday 6 February 2009

Staying motivated - exercise for easy weight loss - a 5 point plan

Exercise is always a do-it-yourself venture. No other person and no machine can do it for you. Hence, it is important to be motivated so that once you start exercising you continue and don't give up at the first obstacle - you WILL win in the end BUT you must stick at it - and you must exercise regularly!

If necessary experiment with different weight loss exercises until you find the one that suits you. There are plenty to chose from - take advice from friends and neighbors and then make up you own mind.

This is what people who are overweight should learn to understand. Also, no 2 people are the same and one will lose weight quickly and the other much more slowly with the result that without motivation this person is more likely to give up. DONT!! Weight loss is attainable with proper motivation even for the almost 35% of Americans who are unable to prevent being overweight.

Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to physical condition and fitness, while others would want to enhance their physique and appearance. And it is never too late to be fit.

In the past century, physical activity has become the exception rather than the rule, both at home and on the job. People tend to drive where others once walked. People tend to flick a switch and let machines do the hauling, lifting, pushing, and pulling for them.

However, people who try to lose weight tend to believe that weight gain is likely to happen if they will not take forward-looking steps to stop it.This is why you need to be positively motivated!!!

The point here is that health experts believe that people lose their way, especially when it comes to dieting. They tend to go back to their old eating habits even after they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy exercising.

But despite the momentum toward weight gain, you can stop it from happening, experts say. And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity or social appearance. There are many reasons in order to keep you motivated to exercise and stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Your 5 point plan to Lose Big

1. Set realistic and explicit goals

A simple statement like, “I want to lose some weight,” is an ambiguous and an indefinite statement. It will not the least motivate you to start doing exercises right away.

What is important is to be precise on your goals. It would be better if you will set some detailed amount of pounds that you really want to lose. Envisage yourself what you will look like after reaching your desired weight. Doing this will inspire you to lose weight. In fact, maybe even more than what you have planned in mind. The idea is to use that figure to assist you to remain resilient and dedicated.

Be realistic in your weight loss timetable of the time it will take to achieve, An unrealistic time scale is a big de-motivator!!!

2. Develop a strategy

Strength of will does not work alone! To lose weight and stay with it, your strategy must comprise of both exercise and diet, and not either of the two.

Try to start motivating yourself by throwing away your clothes that have bigger sizes. This will put you in a situation where you only have your sexy clothes and that you have to make a choice by staying motivated to exercise or not wear any clothes at all. Which do you prefer?

3. Make out little, calculable measures

Put into practice actions that will suit your lifestyle. This means you have to implement moves that you and you alone will benefit from and not somebody else.

The idea here is to opt for a more positive and attainable goal and not just to shun away from being plump and chubby.

4. Produce monitoring that has an important effect

It would be better to have somebody willing to take note of your progress and development.Get your best friend to spur you on. Better still, get your best friend to exercise with you and you can motivate each other. This will inspire you to keep on doing what you have started. Having somebody to listen to your achievements is definitely a better prize than just achieving your goal alone.

Besides, having an extra hand to support you and cheer for you when things start to fall short. It is that simple way of hearing somebody believing on what you do is one of the greatest motivations to keep you exercising for more.

5. Construct a vigorous, sensible timeline

What do you plan to achieve in a year? Try to suit your objectives to your calendar, and do not look forward to see the results in just a snap.

The bottom line is that in order to stay motivated to exercise entails a lot of hard work, which is contrary to what most people tend to think. The main idea is to let people change their lifestyle through motivated exercise and diet.This way they will absolutely change their weight…for the better.

Saturday 31 January 2009

Easy weight loss- never do this after exercising

You have a good hard workout at the gym - you've put all you effort into it and when you finished what do you want?

Well, besides knowing that its done you real good, you want a shower(great), a drink (great) and something to eat (great).

I've got news for you. One of those high energy sports drink, or a high energy bar to eat is probably one of the worst things you could do. Contrary to popular thinking they will immediately cancel out all the time and effort - all that blood, sweat and tears that you've just put in.

Why? I wanted to know that as well, as I thought to aid recovery high energy food and drink was just whats required.

Well, we know that exercise removes sugar from the blood and helps greatly in your quest for easy weight loss.High energy eating and drinking cancels this out and replaces all the calories you've just sweated away.


High energy carbohydrates just replace the calories you just lost!!

Be careful what you eat and drink after exercise - speak to your fitness coach if you have one - take it steady for a few hours afterwards and bide your time before you take in a load of calories.

It gives your body time to return to normal, and your metabolism will cope better with the calorie in-take.

It will probably take a lot a self-control on your part, but it will be of


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lets all try to get healthy and wealthy
