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Make loosing weight your number 1 new years resolution - and keep it at any time of year!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

The Happy Exerciser

Some months ago I had an article published by Ezine Articles about high blood pressure.

I wrote this as I know there is a direct correlation between excess weight and the problems associated with high blood pressure. It follows, therefore, that reducing weight down to a more normal level will over time help reduce blood pressure (assuming there is no other underlying cause).

Well, it is well known that exercise boosts feel good hormones and improves your mood - a double benefit - and keeps the feel good factor and better temper etc for a further 12 hours!

Obviously, to keep the benefits ongoing you will need to exercise daily, bearing in mind( as we have discussed before) that you need to build up the amount of exercise slowly over a period of time, don't over-exert yourself, and be well aware of what your body is capable of.

I am sure, that you will find if done sensibly and within your capabilities, you will gain the double benefit of weight reduction and mood enhancement.

Cant be bad,indeed these are two very positive motivators, and must go a long way to improving your quality of life.

Why not take up dancing- perhaps join a club-its a highly recommended exercise and very enjoyable and sociable as well. If not, walk, cycle, jog, play games with your kids - there's loads of things you can do and get a really positive double benefit.

Go ahead - you have nothing to lose-except, perhaps, some weight!

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lets all try to get healthy and wealthy
